Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Illness & Running

I have been logging my runs in a brand new runner's journal with the 2012 edition nearby to compare how I'm doing versus last winter. In late January I saw that I was down for three days due to illness. I figured if I could skip that this year, I'd be ahead of last year's pace. Sometimes it's best not to entertain such thoughts as I find myself coughing, achy and fatigued by what I hoped to dodge this month.

On the bright side, it's frigid outside right now and so if I have to take a break, it's better that it's today and not the 60 degree temps I ran in just days ago. I was just boasting that my running seems to bring a certain immunity to my system. Well, I think I said it shrinks the recovery time anyway. I hope it does anyway!

Being goal-oriented, physical limitations like a cold, flu, or whatever this is that has got a hold of me, can frustrate me. I only have like 1466 miles to go for my distance goal this year. I should keep in mind that it's early that my marathon training plans both call for about 700 miles each in training. This is when I have to remember the unmeasurable goal I set for the year of running wisely too. Is it smart for me to run when I am physically tapped out? If there's one thing I'm trying to learn in my life it's that respite is not evil. Running on empty accomplishes nothing and in fact may set me back further.

I guess we'd like to imagine that as we gut it out on the side of a roadway, people will deeply admire our tenacity and that perhaps "Rocky's" theme will start mystically playing in the heavens. Is anybody going to wonder why I'm not running today? Who knows or even cares that I'm feeling sick but opted to run anyway? WHOOP -DEE -DOO! So I guess I'm a scratch for training today. I will rest up and keep the bigger picture in mind. Hey, it's only January for crying out loud!

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