Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pacific Run

This weekend I will be headed to Sand Diego for my step dad's memorial service. While I'm out there I want to see the Pacific Ocean. It has taken me 47 years to get there. I plan to run on the coastline. It would be cool to do this when the sun is going down! We'll see!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Felt The Road Moves Under My Feet

I know that the title to this post is very much like an old Carly Simon song but let me just explain what I mean. I did not feel the earth quake or the early rumbles of a soon to erupt volcano. What happened under my feet was not literal but more mental. This was the 4th straight day of running but it was the first time that I had that old sensation that the road was moving toward me instead of away from me. It is a lot harder when it seems the road keeps sliding away from you and not toward you. It happened on the final half mile of today's run and it motivated me to pick up the pace and end strong. I like to end strong! Trying to recover from this injury meant that for a while I have just focused on finishing my run the best I could. It's amazing how the mental part starts to work in your favor once you're willing to push the physical part a little more.

Friday, March 6, 2009

3 Straight Days of Running

For the first time since before I trained for the Akron marathon in September I was able to string 3 consecutive days of running. I only averaged 3 miles per run but still it was another sign that I'm on the comeback trail. It was warm (60s) overcast and windy (as usual).

The difference I noticed was that I did not feel the burn in the lungs that come out of no running routine. While the legs didn't feel as fresh, I'm glad I went out this afternoon. I'm feeling a little bit of that runner's high once again. I have a very long way to go before I'm fully back but today was another little win that pushes me back to where I want and need to be!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Today I was able to run the farther than any time since the Akron Marathon last September. Although it was 21.2 miles short of that achievement, it was a moral victory for me. Yesterday I got on the scale and got very real about the direction I was heading with my weight. I have gained 25 pounds since I was in peak running condition and that was very depressing when the scale said 170 lbs. That moment I decided I was not going to enter my birthday in 2 weeks continuing to nudge up the needle as I begin year 47.

So yesterday I ran two and today I ran five. Not very fast and did I feel it in my legs and knees! But I ran and started pushing through those barriers that I fought to knock down before. Here I am today facing walls that try to keep me from being who I need and want to be inside and out.

Since I got on the scale yesterday, I have lost my appetite and haven't eaten since yesterday morning. I know that I will break down and put something in my face but for now I am just going to knock down as much H2O as I can and hope to see and feel my way back to the wellness I enjoyed.

How I miss those days when I just ran and ran and ran for the sheer pleasure of being able to! Hopefully that's where I'll be again some day soon. The sooner it happens, the better!