Friday, February 9, 2007

300 MILEstone Means What?

I'm breaking out confetti today because yesterday I crossed the 300 mile line since I started running this past October. I know my party will be short-lived and none will attend it but I will celebrate anyway! What does it mean to run 300 miles?
  • It means I could have reached our passed through these cities if I started on my front step. St. Louis, Columbus Oh, Detroit, Nashville, Chicago and Davenport Iowa.
  • It means I have spent about 2 full days over the past 4 months beating the pavement.
  • It means that I am only 60% from completing the Daytona 500 on foot.
With this being said... the party is now over. Back on the road tomorrow to start working toward mile 400!

Friday, February 2, 2007

Blistering Run

Well I got blistered from yesterday's run. There was snow on the track and so I knew I needed to wear the shoes that had the best tread. Unfortunately now I remember why I stopped wearing my Nikes. At 3 and half miles of my 5 mile run I developed a pretty good bubble on my left arch. Well it's not really arched and that's the big problem. Those shoes are made for some one with arches and so that became a striking point. Needless to say, the shoes will go to the back of my closet now. I'd rather do a little slidding on the outside of the shoe and not on the inside. Thankfully I'm off track today. Tomorrow is slated to be a tempo run. (3 miles at an 8:28/mi. pace) That may be a pretty tall order with track conditions and the way my feet are right now. This may give me reason to hit the 5k course tomorrow.