Back in college I took a tempermantal analysis and learned of the 4 basic temperments that I was classified as a melancholy. Boy, was that depressing;) Through the years I have tried at times to supress being a feelings-oriented person. Today I am less resistent to conceal moods; I just try to avoid parading them in whichever extreme. I have come to terms that I am pretty concious of my moods. I keep a running log of which one of the details in the daily record if my runs has to do with my frame of mind. Recently I looked back on the dairy and see fluctuations. Of late I have tended to be in a better frame of mind. Does your mood affect your running? It probably does to some extent. I have found that when I feel angry or frustrated, I usually turn that into fuel to run harder or stronger. If I'm down or depressed, I am lured into mental battles of stopping short of my planned runs on those days. (I have seldom given in but the resolve levels seem to wane when I'm low.) There are running days where I am kind of blank with my mood and I find myself just bouncing from thought to thought when this happens. Of course the days I like best are when I am in a happy mood and running feels like a great dessert that tops my day off. I can not always predict how my moods will effect my performance. But one thing is always for sure, when I am done running my mood is effected. Sometimes I emerge with euphoria. Usually I leave the course content that I stuck it out, and left most negative feelings behind. I can't think of anything that has had a more significant effect on managing my melancholy tendancies as running.
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