I really thought the plantar thing was going to be a part of me for the rest of my life. While trying for my first marathon in 2008, I developed this problem, though not aware what it was initially. I thought if I just ran through some of foot pain, it would subside eventually. Training to go 26.2 is going to invoke some aches along the way.
When I started running in 2005 I made a decision to fight through pain and soreness and endure the elements knowing it would develop a mental stamina needed if I really wanted to break through self-imposed limitations. Little did I know that the plantar fasciitis problem was suppose to be an exception. Soon after the Akron marathon I was radically slowed and hobbled by that foot pain. It would not quit and I finally caved in to a friends suggestion to seek out medical treatment & therapy.
The next year was spent trying foot treatments, orthodics, therapies and night splints. There was intermittent running that year but not very much. In fact from the September 2008 marathon until March 2010 I was only able to squeeze out 117 miles in that 17 month span!
In the last 2 plus months things seem to be turning around finally. My runs have been almost pain-free and I am have switched from fighting to get going towards looking forward and enjoying it once again. I am far below my monthly running averages from my peak training but am happy to experience that good runner's feeling once again! In the last two weeks I enjoyed 2 runs of longer distance 6 miles and 7 miles! The legs & lungs are coming back and a little speed is returning too as I lose some weight.
I think I am well on my way once again to a normal running life. If you call a running life normal!
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