Now that I am back to running again in my regular running mode I have some goals. Some are the expected ones but others have been awakened after prolonged time on the sidelines.
Goals that are typical:
1. Run the Akron Half Marathon on Saturday September 25th
2. Look for another marathon to run in 2011 - a flat course this time!
3. Reach the 2000 mile mark by the end of December which translates to about 100 miles a month.
Goals that are not as typical:
1. Totally enjoy a long slow run without any concern of time.
2. Run on a path while the leaves are falling off the trees.
3. Motivate 3 other people to take up running
4. Lead a group of runners & walkers who meet weekly and have fun
5. Talk with God a lot on a late night solo run
6. Pick out 3 cool landmark places to run by next summer (I did a run at Niagara, the Pacific coast, Virgina Beach boardwalk so far)