It has been a very long time since I posted a running thought. Not that I did have some pretty cool experiences over that time. I ran not only another half marathon but also my first full marathon in Akron last fall. Since that race I have run very few miles due to injury. It first it was devastating to be told to stay off of it for a couple of months. Busyness got my mind off of the sadness that I couldn't run for awhile. Over the past two months I have started wading back into it slowly because winter keeps me from getting to ambitious.
Tonight is the first time I returned to see what I had posted. What struck me is how alive I seemed to feel as I reflected on my running. I seemed to drink deeply of the seasons and get captivated by things I ordinarily saw as mundane. I found in these posts a lot of things were dawning on me about myself and my new found passion. Reading these things made me appreciate the time I put in each week. And it awakened in me a desire to pursue again my earlier passion. My running route are now longer on roads and trails of southern Indiana but instead along new paths of north central Ohio. There are sights, scents and sounds that I miss but I hope to rekindle again a the love I felt when I reached for a new goal, learned a new insight or just ran and ran and ran for the fun of it.